These requirements are strict procedures to ensure that each Event moves along smoothly and as quick as possible. All members MUST read and meet these requirements. Requirements are as follows:
- Minimum of 50 posts in the forum.
- Vow of activity
- Minimum one paragraph replies. 6 to 9 sentences
- Must not partake in God Modding during the Event. God Modding will result in an immediate termination from Event
Vow of activity ~ By signing up for an Event, you vow that you will do your best to come on and post. If you are unable you will notify an Admin or Site Owners. Inactivity in Event past 3 rounds without notification will result in termination from Event.
God Modding ~ Doing the actions of another character and or speaking for them. In other words, RP'ing as another members character. Like throwing a punch at the other character and saying that you hit them. The other member must say that the punch hit them, not you because it is their character for example.
These requirements are subject to change, either addition or subtraction, so stay on top of knowing the requirements. Any questions and or concerns please PM myself, Sonya or Robin
Thank you,
Site Owner
~ 10th Doctor