It truly was a bright clear day, Consort had just finished his morning read of the local paper and had decided to go for a walk. It was a packed day, alot of people were in the city centre and Consort was trying his best not to walk into people. His arms were like steel, strong but hidden under his smart jacket.
Just moving through the crowd, alot of people that bump into Consort rub their arm that hit his. Feeling nothing, he continues down the street until he notices a man on the floor of the street in dire need of help.
"I can help you, yes. This is the busiest of days to be laying, or crawling on the ground, dear boy." His helpful nature crawled into his personality, as well as his occupation of agreeing with people. Holding out his hand to help Ned up, Consort does not get budged or moved by people brushing past his shoulders. Having a sturdy stature, Consort almost makes a circle around his self and Ned as people brushing past him begin to complain then notice Ned being helped by Consort.