River looked around the library, her arms laden with books she had already skimmed through, though none had the information she was looking for, the woman sighing as she made her way over to the computers, her fingers quick on the keyboard as she typed the name of the parasite she was after into the search engine, growling quietly to herself as she saw that the book was indeed somewhere in the library.
She sighed, pushing herself to her feet once more as she resigned to searching around the library for the book once more, hoping that whoever was reading it would no be opposed to sharing or was susceptible to hallucinogenic lipstick.
She started to make her way towards the tables before her eyes fell on the book she had been searching for, smiling ever so slightly as she made her way over to the man. She didn't imagine this would be too difficult as she adjusted her dress to ensure it was showing off her assets.
"Excuse me, I was wondering if I would be able to borrow that book you have there?" she requested politely.